In the dialect from the beautiful and wild Italian island of Sardinia which is covered by Mediterranean bushes and mountains and surrounded by one of the most beautiful seas in the world, the word ANDHIRA is connected to a nomadic life conception and related to the legend of a city.  

Legend has it that there was once a rich and beautiful seaside village on the southern coast of Sardinia, but one day pirates arrived and destroyed everything they found, forcing the survivor to leave and begin an eternal search for a new home. The people departing sang an adage whose refrain was "andhira" and that day the word means migration or movement of people.

The name Andhira perfectly suits this group of artists who do not fit into any one specific genre of music. Andhira has three female voices and a percussionist / piano player. The group often welcomes musicians to join them while they are travelling. The result of their nomadic attitude, which researches popular traditional music, creates a rich collection of rearranged traditional tunes as well as original new pieces. 

Five years after the critically acclaimed first CD Sotto il Vento e le Vele, Andhira is about to release Natikirando – a journey into the poetry of the Mediterranean music with contributions from many local artists and the collaboration of Marcia Theofili, the Nobel Candidate for Poetry, who co-wrote some of the lyrics of the album.

LINE UP: Luca Nulchis on piano, Elena Nulchis, Egidiana Carta and Elisa Zedda as singers